martes, 15 de diciembre de 2009

Ariketa handia. Ikuspegiak

Ariketa handia. Ibilbide nagusia

Market Square. Thailand

Askotan espazio bat erakargarri eta aberats egiten dutena bertako gertakizunak dira. Hauek ematen diote izaera, kutsu aldakor eta dinamikoa esleituz berezko tokiari. Gustatu zait Trat, Tailandiako plaza honetan eguneko ordu ezberdinetan ematen diren aktibitate ezberdinek ze itxura ezberdin ematen dioten espazioari. Klasean ikusi genuen Marrakecheko plaza ekarri dit burura...
"In the morning there’s a fairly intense wet market (for fruit, vegetables and meat), with temporary stalls with all kinds of umbrellas and canopies for protection from sun and rain.

Later in the day, the wet market closes and disappears and the market square gets cleaned up and sits there empty.
Then in late afternoon, the night market starts to set up with food stalls with patio furniture seating, some fruits, vegetables and dry goods.

The night market runs right through the evening with a great variety of dishes available from a multitude of stalls and a fantastic outdoor eating and drinking atmosphere."